If you found this site you were either looking for Pueblo’s famous chili fest or help for seniors, their caregivers and loved ones. As a licensed medical social worker with fifteen years of experience with seniors in home health and hospice; I have been witness to the struggles of limited resources for our aging population. many seniors suffer from depression or feeling like “a burden” to their families. Seniors try to protect their family from worry and may not be honest about how much help they truly need. families do not feel confident in their ability to help and how to navigate the healthcare system. I have learned how crucial it is to be as prepared as possible when we can no longer rely on our bodies or minds to carry us through life. if we all live long enough, we will experience the return to dependence on others for our care needs. what I hope you learn is to begin having difficult but necessary conversations. my goal is to help support seniors in need of counseling, accepting medical issues, facing fears for the future and grief and loss associated with aging. I provide education to seniors and families about senior care planning, caregiver resources, and facility options. I unravel the confusion of medicare, advantage plans, VA benefits and medicaid. I have assisted many clients wanting to make the best decisions for their future as informed consumers. I hope to be a part of your aging journey and provide the support and education needed to ease your worries for the future.